May Parade of Flowers

049Lupine Meadow

There’s nothing like taking in the sights and smells of a floral garden on a lovely May day! Above are colorful Lupine that filled a large meadow I came across en route to a garden I visited (Rhododendron Species Garden). You may have come across my last blog entry where I posted several floral images. Well, I’m going to post more, new images I took over this past weekend. The Garden sponsored its annual Blue Poppy Day, which celebrates the blooming of their Blue Poppy meadow. More of that later.

Below is a photo I took of a fantastic tree, the Dove Tree. Yes, it looks like the flowers have wings like a white dove. I also found out that some call it a Handkerchief Tree. It is a native tree of China, and it is found mainly in public gardens as an ornamental tree. The white petal parts are called bracts.

151Dove Tree

The image below shows lovely pink Bistort. Some of the flower heads are a pretty good size. They look very pretty in their soft pink color, but if you put your nose to them, they have a very stinky smell. Their smell has been likened to “sweaty gym socks.” I agree!


Below is an image of Giant Solomon’s Seal. These are tall, slender, leafy plants with hanging rows of white flowers.

188Giant Solomon’s Seal

Below are more rhododendron/azalea images. These flower species come in so many shapes and colors!


Primroses are out in full force, as well. They come in all kinds of colors and varieties and are so lovely to look at. Here are some lovely pink ones.

071 Primroses

And now for one of the Garden’s most prized possessions—the Himalayan Blue Poppy. Such a beautiful flower! The color is a turquoise blue. These are very difficult flowers to grow because of their growing requirements (they won’t thrive in warm temperatures, for one), and so chances are you won’t come across this species in most gardens.

087Himalayan Blue Poppy

I hope you enjoyed these additional flower images of mine. If you have fallen in love with the Blue Poppy, I have made available in my Northwestphotos Zazzle store several Blue Poppy items, including postcards, posters and more for purchase. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

All images property of Peggy A. Thompson

About northwestphotos

A long time resident of Washington State, located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest USA. I enjoy regional travel, exploring all the wondrous, natural settings that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. If you get a chance, visit my Northwestphotos Zazzle store,
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8 Responses to May Parade of Flowers

  1. Beautiful shots!

    The blue of that poppy is just breathtaking.

  2. Gunta says:

    All the flowers are lovely (such gorgeous and unusual shades and varieties of rhodies and azaleas!), but the one that utterly took my breath away was the Himalayan Blue Poppy. I’ve never seen anything like it! Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you Gunta! Glad you enjoyed the flowers. I had such a wonderful time at the garden. I went there specifically to see the Blue Poppy, since I had never seen one before. They seem like a pretty fragile flower. They grow on tall and very slender stems.

  3. samacwns says:

    Beautiful pictures, but that blue poppy takes the cake! So pretty!

  4. Wonderful blossoms, Peggy, but the blue poppy is just outstanding. 🙂

Thank you!

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