Forest of Golden Leaves and Green Moss

I recently took a walk in one of our local, forested areas and found myself immersed in trails paved with golden leaves and carpets of bright, green mosses hanging from woody shrubs and tree branches. One of the most populated varieties of deciduous trees in our Pacific Northwest forests is the Bigleaf Maple. Their leaves can be humongous! They turn a lovely, golden yellow color during the autumn season. As well, with all the rain the region receives during the months of October and November, the mosses on trees, logs, and branches are a bright green. What beautifully colored photos one can capture with their verdant color! I love walking through these silent forests on a calm and still, autumn day. The only sound heard is an occasional Bigleaf maple leaf falling to its final resting place. Please enjoy these photos I snapped of my experience with nature this day.

All images property of Peggy A Thompson

About northwestphotos

A long time resident of Washington State, located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest USA. I enjoy regional travel, exploring all the wondrous, natural settings that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. If you get a chance, visit my Northwestphotos Zazzle store,
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3 Responses to Forest of Golden Leaves and Green Moss

  1. picpholio says:

    The abundant moss on the branches creates a very special atmosphere in the forest.
    Very nice photos with a spooky touch đŸ™‚

Thank you!

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